I found this adorable project on Pinterest and I thought "I can make that!" It was from a blog called "PaperWings" by the author, Tracey Crosby. Click the blog name to see my inspiration!
So I set out to gather up all the stuff I needed. Upcycle some picture frames from Goodwill, snag some AWESOME remnants at Hancock fabrics, but the letter was stumping me. I just went ahead and bought it at Hobby Lobby. However, while I was checking out, the very sweet cashier told me I could pull up the weekly coupon on my phone and redeem it there! Who knew? What an awesome shopping trip is that?!?
Home I go, with my awesome objects ready to be turned into something spectacular. I poked and I painted and I prodded and I realized that I did not know how to make felt flowers or any flowers (other than paper ones) and that I did not have matching felt anyways. :( Now I was stuck. So, I watched Youtube videos for 2 hours and eventually taught myself how to do these ADORABLE fabric rosettes.
They turned out awesome, only required a little bit of my remnant fabric, and some hot glue. No sewing so they went much faster than if I tried to sew. }:} I also liked the exposed gold corners of the gold frame showing.
My project turned out even better than I hoped so that is pretty good. :) Enjoy, and let me know what you think from inspiration to completion!
I finished one of these for one daughter but the second daughter will just have to be understanding and wait until I have time later (next week) to finish hers.